MantasTech ERP

Courses and Batches
The course and batch creation of MantasTech EMS is unique in its nature as it supports all variations of courses and batches in all levels of institution-be it in school, college/university or any professional institute
Student Attendance
MantasTech EMS provides teachers a convenient way to track the attendance of students either subject wise or day wise.
MantasTech EMS timetable module has been helping schools and colleges of various sizes schedule and manage timetables
MantasTech EMS flexible examination module allows all type of institutions to set up and manage various kind of grading systems for the courses they run, be it general, GPA pattern
Student Admission
MantasTech admission process automates the various steps involved in admission of students, including registration, subject assignment, document submission, advance fee submission, and batch allotment
Student Informatio
The administration can view the student details based on the batches /sections
Human Resources
The institution can manage their employees completely starting from their admission to leaves management, payroll assignment, payslips generation, etc.
Finance & Fees
This is one of the most important modules for all school. As it is related to finance it needs be understandable and easily manageable so that there is no chance of error.
School management new admission

Student Admission

MantasTech admission process automates the various steps involved in admission of students, including registration, subject assignment, document submission, advance fee submission, and batch allotment

  • The student admission number is also the username that a student will use to log in to MantasTech EMS.
  • Immediate contact can be set as any relation of the student and emails and SMS can be directed accordingly
  • Using Biometric integration, student attendance will be automatically marked
  • Students can be divided based on categories and any additional information can be saved for the students
  • Custom reports can be generated which can include any profile information of the student
Student Attendance

Student Attendance

MantasTech EMS provides teachers a convenient way to track the attendance of students either subject wise or day wise

  • Mark student absence for half day or full day with/without reason in just a click
  • Record Attendance manually or through biometric device integration with MantasTech EMS
  • Administrator can generate attendance report for the school or based on each subject
  • Easy to use a system, mark whole class attendance in a single click
  • It sends an automatic notification to parents and student on their registered mobile if student is absent
Student Absent message

Messaging System

MantasTech EMS users can use the messaging system to notify or send any messages to the students, parents and teachers

  • The institutions can send out targeted information to parents and students about school events, fee dues, etc. and to the teachers about upcoming PTA meetings etc
  • This keeps the users updated about their assigned responsibilities. This system is not only fast and easy but also eco-friendly, it is a saving on expensive purchases for receipts, notices and other announcements
Student tabulation sheet

Examination and Gradebook

MantasTech EMS flexible examination module allows all type of institutions to set up and manage various kind of grading systems for the courses they run, be it general, GPA pattern

  • For each examination pattern, there are settings which help format any type of evaluation
  • Marks and Grade Based Exam creation
  • Student activity-based grading exams
  • Easy and quick evaluation and publishing of exam reports with instant alerts and notifications to parents
  • Multiple grading profiles can be created for the activity or subject exams
  • Flexibility for teachers to enter marks and update it whenever necessary
  • Student remarks can be recorded in the overall report for the year
  • Each term examination report along with the end of year report card can be generated
  • Subject wise exam report is available for analysis by teachers along with the complete batch report for the class teacher

Accounts & Finance

MantasTech Accounts & Finance enables you to have an end-to-end view of your business finances and transfer your present financial tasks into well-synchronized processes to enable the best possible financial supply chain management.

  • Manage AR (Account Receivables) and AP (Accounts Payables) with user defined ageing buckets
  • Automatically Consolidation of data from Multiple units/locations
  • Easy inter-branch accounting, auto-reconciliation by system
  • Financial Reporting: GL, Trial Balance, Balance Sheets, P&L, Ledgers, Cash flow
  • Drill down features from the Report Level down to the last transaction
  • Multi-branch Accounting (ERP Accounting Software in Bangladesh)
  • Multi-level user defined Cost Centre accounting with budgeting
  • Monthly and Yearly closing (soft and hard closing)
  • Manage Taxes, Excise, Freights, Tax Deduction at Source, etc.
  • Expense, Income month-wise Budgeting
  • Cheque Register